Our price optimization algorithm locates the highest quality item at the lowest prices, so you never need to feel buyer's remorse again!
When you scan your receipts, we take that information and put it to work, providing you with insights into where your money is going. Gone are the days of your old budget tracker telling you your shopping trip composed of 50 different types of items are just "groceries." ReCap understands every item from every purchase, letting you set category-specific spending limits, reduce impulse spending, and so, so much more.
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We use machine learning to provide the most applicable advice and most detailed data ever seen in a personal finance app. Our enhanced data means we know precisely how to help you meet your budget goals and reduce your financial insecurity.
ReCap aims to alleviate feelings of financial insecurity, not contribute to them, and so we will never charge you for anything. Ever.
Our expected release date is October of 2022, but if you want the app sooner, our beta version is expected to be released in July of 2022.
Beta waitlistWe use receipts as a way to augment what traditional budget apps use: bank data. We use Plaid as a base and use receipts to add more information. If you forget or lose your receipt, we will simply use the store category for the whole cost of the transaction like any other app. Additionally, you could even add some extra tags manually in ReCap.
In settings there's an option to request your data. When selected, we will export all the relevant data we have about your purchases, including details stored for individual items. This will be exported as a JSON, and you can see exactly what we do, and play the information in any software you like.
ReCap can save you money from day one. When you make your shopping list for the first time, we aim to reduce your cost by up to 35%. Our budget tracker takes more time in comparison. It'll take up to three receipt uploads to achieve peak efficiency. We'll be able to offer richer information the longer you use the app. We want to help you form better habits, and that takes time, but those good habits will save you thousands of dollars in the long run.